Change Listview Gridlines Color + Highlight Color (Focused/Lost Focused) Items VNBET
Pernahkah anda menginginkan warna grid listview dapat diubah sesuai keinginan? memang secara default property GridLineColor tidak tersedia, tapi dengan sedikit modifikasi (membuat class custom listview), kini gridline color dapat anda ubah. Selain itu ada tambahan property baru juga yaitu :
Tags:how do I change the gridlines color in windows.forms.listview, ubah ListView Gridlines color, advanced Change Color of Gridlines in Listview, How can I change listview gridlines color, cara ubah warna garis listview, cara merubah warna gridlines listview, ListView change the grid color, Drawing horizontal and vertical gridlines,
- GridLineColor = color in which to draw the grid lines
- ItemHighlightColor = color to use to highlight selected items
- ItemNotFocusedHighlightColor = color to use to highlight selected items when listview is not focused (and HideSelection set to false)
- UseDefaultGridLines = use original gridLineColor
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Tags:how do I change the gridlines color in windows.forms.listview, ubah ListView Gridlines color, advanced Change Color of Gridlines in Listview, How can I change listview gridlines color, cara ubah warna garis listview, cara merubah warna gridlines listview, ListView change the grid color, Drawing horizontal and vertical gridlines,
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