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Download Game Stronghold3 Patch v1.10.27781 (Offline/Portable Updater)

Ini dia yang kita tunggu tunggu, patch/update Stronghold3. Dengan ini banyak sekali error yang di-fix dan tambahan fitur fitur baru, salah satunya seperti GAME SPEED, cukup dengan menekan ctrl + (1 kali = fast, 2 kali = very fast) dan crtl - untuk menurunkan speed nya. Untuk lebih jelasnya lihatlah detail Patch  v1.10.27781 dibawah ini :

Economic Systems Rebalanced
  • Peasants now move 66.66% faster.
  • Immigration rates have been increased.
  • In multiplayer the rate has been increased even higher.
  • All farms now produce 25% more food. Bread production been increased by 40%.
  • Vegetable gardeners produce and carry 50% more vegetables per delivery.
Range units (Archers, Crossbowmen, etc) now gain an attacking bonus based on terrain height
Troop Movement Changes
  • Macemen, Armed Peasants and Monks always run.
  • Men at Arms now always walk, instead of running into attack.
  • Pikemen walk a little faster.
  • Ranged troops can move and attack troops behind walls when within their line of sight.
Rally points for the Siege Camp have been added
New Market added with Autobuy/Autosell feature
  • Markets are no longer required to buy or sell goods. Goods can be traded via the Stockpile, Granary, Keep and Armoury.
  • The new Market is an advanced trading building which costs 200 wood and features a slider with controls for automatically trading goods, with individual settings per good type.
Multiplayer - Coronation Mode
  • In Coronation Mode players start off at the lowly rank of “Village Idiot” with limited access to buildings and military units. By generating honour players can move up the ranks, gaining new technology and weaponry along the way. The first King to achieve the rank of “Emperor” will win the game.
  • Coronation Mode features upgradable Keeps which have their own defences and provide additional housing for workers and troops.
  • New Coronation Mode map - Marshlands
Performance improvements
  • Simulation step has been tweaked so that scripts are now called 4 times less often.
  • Skinning of actors has been optimised - These include animations now do not blend from a distance, PoseDrivers are not recreated everytime there is a LOD change and the game now prioritises existing PoseDrivers, rather than always expanding the PoseDriver pool.
  • Pathfinding has been optimised - Buildings are now treated a one large obstacle rather than a number of small obstacles.
  • Sound has been optimised - combat vocalizations are no longer decompressed into memory, resulting in a memory savings of up to 100 Megabytes after a long game session.
Additional user interface options
  • Vsync matches your monitor’s refresh rate to the in-game frame rate to prevent screen tearing. Enabling Vsync will reduce performance so we have added an option to turn Vsync Off/On in the Options menu.
  • Full Screen/Windowed mode added to the Options menu.
Camera Changes
  • Previously when zooming out the camera would tilt until eventually the game would be viewed top down. This camera tilt has been removed. The game can still be viewed top down by pressing the Space Bar.
Health bars are now drawn for currently selected Lord units on their icons in the GUI.
Troop/Building Limits
  • Troop and building maximums have been added to Single Player, in order to prevent performance issues when the numbers get too high.
  • These limits can be overridden by changing the relevant settings in the Documents/Stronghold 3/Profiles/options.xml file.
  • Flag icons have been added to the minimap for Capture the Flag mode.
  • Messages and map location notifications have been added when estates and flags are being captured.
  • Notifications have been added to show the map location of new reinforcements.
  • Game speed changes using the -/+ keys are now displayed onscreen.
  • Game speed can also now also be controlled using i/o keys (to help some laptop users that couldn’t use -/+ keys).
  • The in-game message log history has been increased to 50. The message scroll buttons can be held down to scroll through them.
  • Unwanted saved games can now be deleted in the “Load Game” screen.
  • The mouse cursor is locked to the game when in Full Screen or Windowed mode. Pressing ALT + TAB will unlock the cursor in Windowed mode.
Bug Fixes
  • The CTRL groups (CTRL+1/2/3) are now saved in a save game and available when the save game is loaded.
  • Fixed the Keep’s Enable/Disable all industries buttons from breaking when an ox post was present.
  • Fixed the green directional cursor appearing when right-click dragging, even when only enemies or buildings were selected.
  • Fixed the first mouse click on a newly loaded map not being able to create a selection marquee.
  • Fixed units becoming deselected when dragging the mouse to operate GUI controls and releasing it over the game view.
  • Placing a storage building will no longer open the storage building’s GUI panel, which was making it difficult to continue placing buildings.
  • The chat key (Enter) is now disabled in single player mode.
  • Troop health bars are now draw correctly when max health is above 100% due to Good Lord buildings
  • Fixed some issues with troop speech when Lord units were part of the selection
  • Added minor GUI feedback sounds to some controls
  • Tooltips for troops and building costs have been reformatted to be more readable. Tooltips have been added for placing rally points and increasing buy/sell amounts.
  • Fixed the stop command not functioning for Trebuchets, Battering Rams and Burning Carts.
  • Fixed honour gains not being tracked correctly for in-game statistics
  • Changed maximum building limit in Multiplayer and Singleplayer to only track the player’s primary estate
  • Reformatted the siege camp panel to look better in Single Player.
  • Fixed the cutscene replay button appearing too soon for the final campaign mission cutscenes.
  • Icon added for the Haybale / Harpoon launcher.
  • Fixed issues with troops not being able to properly navigate the square bastion in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed the shortcut key “L” not selecting non-standard lords in multiplayer.
  • Visual damage from troops attacking walls better reflects number of hit points left.
  • Some French Keyboard and German Keyboard fixes.
  • Map Editor - Deleting the Engineer’s guild and saving was causing a crash.
  • Added some more audio easter eggs...the scribe may say a bit more here and there, and certain units have a bit more to say.
Other things to be aware of in Stronghold 3
Line of Sight Changes
  • Troops on towers/gatehouses/platforms are now less restricted by Line Of Sight. This change was made primarily in order to avoid frustrating situations where troops standing at one side of a tower couldn't fire directly down at enemies on the ground on the other side of the tower.
  • The side effect of this change is that sometimes you will see troops shoot through structures when it may look like they shouldn't be able to. Whilst this is obviously not ideal we decided the gameplay benefits of this change outweighed the visual inaccuracies caused as a result of this change.
Graphic Settings Recommendations
  • If you are using a graphics card with 256mb video memory, we recommend playing on Low settings. If you are using a graphic card with 512mb video memory, we recommend playing on Medium settings. Using High settings or at least High Texture High detail may lead to crashes with 256mb/512mb onboard memory on the video card.
4 Player Multiplayer Recommendations
  • 4 Player multiplayer can be demanding for lower spec computers, particularly lower spec CPUs. For the best 4 player multiplayer experience we recommend playing on a high spec computer such as an Intel i5 or i7 based computer with at least 4GB RAM.
Map Editor
  • Loading 2 maps into the Map Editor consecutively will cause problems when saving the next map. Please open one map, edit it and save. Then exit the editor and re-load to edit the next map.
Keyboard shortcuts
A list of all the keyboard shortcuts are available in English, German and French :
    Stronghold 3 Keyboard Commands Print
    Pause Game / Pause Jeu / Spiel Anhalten P P P
    Menu Esc Echap Esc
    Scrolling around the map / Déplacement autour de la carte / Sich auf der Karte Bewegen W A S D Z Q S D W A S D
    Zoom in & out of map / Zoom avant ou arrière de la carte / Zur Karte Hinein/Heraus zoomen Mouse Wheel forwards/backwards or use R / F or + / - Molette souris Avant/Arrière ou utiliser R / F Mausrad Vor/Rückwärts bewegen oder R/F verwenden.
    Rotate map / Pivoter carte / Karte Drehen Hold down the middle mouse button and move the mouse or use Q / E Presser molette souris et déplacer la souris ou utiliser A / E Die Mittlere Maus Taste  drucken und  die Maus  bewegen oder  Q / E  verwenden..
    Rotate Building / Pivoter Bâtiment / Gebäude Drehen Select a building and mouse wheel forwards/backwards (Use + / - to zoom the map when a building is selected) Sélectionner le bâtiment et déplacer la molette de la souris en avant / en arrière Wählen Sie ein gebäude und bewegen Sie das Mausrad Vor/Rückwärts(Benützen Sie  +/-  zum re
    Rotate Buildings (Keyboard only) Hold Down Shift and use Q/E to Rotate buildings Maintenir pressé Shift et utiliser A / E pour pivoter les bâtiments Halten Sie die Umschalttaste gedrückt und Benützen Sie Q/E
    Rotate Building by 45° / Pivoter Bâtiment de 45° / Gebäude um 45° drehen Hold down CTRL when a building is selected and scroll the mouse wheel. Presser CTRL lorsque le bâtiment est selectionné et dérouler la molette de la souris Halten Sie die Strg taste gedrückt während Sie das Mausrad drehen bevor Sie das gebäude platzieren. 
    Rotate Building by 45° (Keyboard only) Hold Down CTRL and use Q/E to Rotate buildings Presser CTRL et utiliser A/E pour pivoter les bâtiments Halten Sie die STRG Taste gedrückt und Benützen Sie Q/E um Gebäube zu drehen.
    Top Down View / Vue du Haut Spacebar Espace Leertaste
    Freebuild Panel F1 F1 F1 - Drücken Sie auf  die Taste F1 um Das FreeBuild Panel zu öffnen.
    Interface - Panel On/OFF Tab Tab Tab
    Interface - Hides the top bar Comma , Virgule , Komma ,
    Interface - Hides the build panel Full stop . Point . Punkt .
    Screenshot / Capture d’écran / Bildschirmaufnahme Insert Inser Einfg
    Game Speed / Vitesse du jeu / Spiel Geschwindigkeit Press + to speed up the game (x2 or x3 normal speed) and - to slow the game down to normal speed (x1). Presser + pour augmenter la vitesse (x2 ou x3 vitesse normale) et - pour réduire la vitesse (x1). Drucken Sie + um das Spiel zu beschleunigen ( x2 - x3 Normaler Geschw.) und - um das Spiel  langsamer zu machen.
    Sell/Buy Increase Amounts You can now buy/sell in greater quantities by holding down SHIFT in the market.
    Shift - Sie können jetzt größere mengen vom Markt kaufen/verkaufen indem Sie die Umschalttaste gedrückt halten bevor Sie auf die entsprechende taste klicken.
    Keep / Donjon / Bergfried K (Opens the Keep panel)
    Double Tap K (Centre view on the Keep)
    K (ouvre l’interface du Donjon)
    Double clique K (vue centrée sur le Donjon)
    K (Öffnet die Bergfried anzeige)
     K doppelt tippen(Zentriert die ansicht auf den Bergfried) 
    Stockpile / Réserve / Vorratslager H (Opens the Stockpile panel)
    Double Tap H (Centre view on the Stockpile)
    H (ouvre l’interface de la Réserve)
    Double clique H (vue centrée sur la Réserve)
    H (Öffnet die Vorratslager anzeige)
    H doppelt tippen (Zentriert die ansicht  auf das Vorratslager)
    Granary / Grenier / Kornspeicher G (Opens the Granary panel)
    Double Tap G (Centre view on the Granary)
    G (ouvre l’interface du Grenier)
    Double clique G (vue centrée sur le Grenier)
    G (Öffnet die Kornspeicher anzeige)
    G doppelt tippen (Zentriert die ansicht  auf den Kornspiecher)
    Barracks / Caserne / Kasernen B (Opens the Barracks panel)
    Double Tap B (Centre view on the Barracks)
    B (ouvre l’interface de la Caserne)
    Double clique B (vue centrée sur le Caserne)
    B (Öffnet die Kasernen anzeige)
    B doppelt tippen (Zentriert die ansicht  auf den Kaserne) 
    Armoury / Armurerie / Waffenkammer J (Opens the Armoury panel)
    Double Tap J (Centre view on the Armoury)
    J (ouvre l’interface de l’Armurerie)
    Double clique J (vue centrée sur l’Armurerie)
    J (Öffnet die Waffenkammer anzeige)
    J doppelt tippen  (Zentriert die ansicht  auf den Waffankammer)
    Market / Marché / Markt M (Opens the Market panel)
    Double Tap M (Centre view on the Market)
    M (ouvre l’interface du Marché)
    Double clique M (vue centrée sur le Marché)
    M (Öffnet die Markt anzeige)
    M doppelt tippen (Zentriert die ansicht auf den Markt)
    Siege Camp / Campement de Siège / Belagerungscamp V (Opens the Siege Camp)
    Double Tap V (Centre view on the Armoury)
    V (ouvre l’interface du Campement de Siège)
    Double clique V (vue centrée sur le Campement de Siège)
    V (Öffnet die Belagerung Camp anzeige)
    V doppelt tippen (Zentriert die ansicht auf das Belagerung Camp)
    Jump to notifications (enemy attacks, etc) currently taking place / FR / Springt zu Erriegnissen (feindliche angriffe, usw.) die momentan statt finden N N N
    “Snap” wall placement / FR / Wand angliederung Hold down CTRL when adding a new section to an existing wall. Maintenir CTRL Lors de l’ajout d’une nouvelle section sur un mur existant. Halten Sie  Strg wenn Sie ein neues stuck wand zu der existirenden hinzufuegen wollen.
    Locate your lord / Localiser le Seigneur / Ihren Herrn finden L L L
    Cycle through all lords / FR / Durch Alle Herren wechseln SHIFT + L SHIFT + L SHIFT + L
    Attack Move Hold CTRL when selecting a destination and your troops will engage any enemy troops within their range along the way. FR Halten Sie Strg gedruckt wenn Sie eine Ziel Position auszahlen und Ihre Truppen werden Feinde auf dem weg angreifen.
    Grouping Troops / Grouper Troupes / Truppen Gruppieren Select a group of troops and press CTRL + 0 to 9 and then press 0 to 9 to locate them. Sélectionner un groupe de troupes et presser CTRL + 0 à 9 et ensuite presser 0 à 9 pour les déplacer. Wahlen Sie eine gruppe von Einheiten und drücken Sie Srtg. und 0 -9. Wenn Sie dann 0 - 9 drücken werden diese angezeigt.
    Bookmarking Locations / Positionner sur la Carte / Positionen auf der Karte Merken CTRL + ALT + 0 to 9: Pressing CTRL + ALT + 0 to 9 creates a bookmark of the current location on the map. Press ALT and the appropriate number to return to this location. CTRL + ALT + 0 à 9: Pressez CTRL + ALT + 0 à 9 pour créer un aperçu de votre position actuelle sur la carte. Presser ALT et le nombre approprié pour revenir à la position. Wenn Sie Strg +Alt+ 0 - 9 wird die entsprechende position gemerkt .Sei könne dann zu dieser position springen indem Sie 0 - 9 drücken.
    Unit selection / Sélection Unité / Einheiten auswahl Units can be added or removed from a selection by holding down the SHIFT key then left clicking on them.  Multiple units can be added to a selection by holding down the SHIFT key and dragging a box around
    them.  Double clicking on a unit will select all of that unit type visible on the screen.  
    Unités peuvent être ajoutées ou retirées d’une sélection en maintenant SHIFT et en faisant clique gauche sur ces troupes. Des unités multiples peuvent être ajoutées à une sélection en maintenant SHIFT et effectuant une boîte autour d’eux . Double-clique sur une unité pour sélectionner toutes les troupes du même type visible sur l’écran. Einheiten können  zu Gruppen hinzugefügt oder entfernt werden indem  Sie die Umschalt taste betätigen und die Einheit auswählen. Sie können mehrere Einheiten auswählen indem sie die Umschalt taste gedrückt halten und eine Kiste um die Einheiten die Sie wollen ziehen. Doppelklicken Sie auf eine bestimmte Einheit um alle Truppen dieser Art auf dem Bildschirm anzuzeigen. 
    Select Units of Same Type / Sélectionner Unités du même type / Einheiten der selben Art auswählen Double-click on a troop to select all units of the same type visible on screen. Double-clique sur une unité pour sélectionner toutes les troupes du même type visible sur l’écran. Doppelklicken Sie auf eine bestimmte Einheit um alle Truppen dieser art auf dem Bildschirm anzuzeigen.
    Select Stone Curtain Wall Z W Z
    Select Stone wall X X X
    Select Wooden wall C C C
    Multiplayer Commands
    Chat Enter Entrée Eingabetaste (Enter)

    Download Stronghold3 Patch v1.10.27781 (300 MB)
    Part1, Part2
    Password Rar/7zip : djiesoft.blogspot.com
    Cara penggunaannya adalah :
    1.Join/Extract dengan 7zip
    2.Copy Paste semua folder hasil extract (assets dan bin) ke folder Stronghold3 anda (replace)

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